Happy Poo
Client: 9GAG
Branded Content.
Creativity “Pick of the day” Ad Age
93% of people go to the bathroom with their phones, but what kind of content you consume on the pot can have an effect on how you go. Studies show that laughing helps with constipation. For this reason, 9GAG, the world’s top entertainment content platform for millennials, is the number 1 app to go to “number 2.” Take a break from today’s stinky news cycle and the stress of daily life because everyone deserves a Happy Poo.
Katy Perry got the message and mentioned the brand on her channels, and two months after, we inspired her to create her famous “Potty Jams.”
Happy poo to you too Katy!
Happy poo to you too Katy!

I created the #HappyPooChallenge to invite people to share their Happy Poo moments.
Merchandising design:
